They said to each other,"Did not
our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?" (Luke 24:32)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Who said it? - Justification by faith

to the three people who read my blog, including my wife.. :)

can you guess who said it? (hint, its five different guys/ i added two)

Quote #1 Pope Benedict 16th

"It is precisely because of this personal experience of relationship with Jesus Christ that Paul henceforth places at the centre of his Gospel an irreducible opposition between the two alternative paths to justice: one built on the works of the Law, the other founded on the grace of faith in Christ."

Quote #2 N.T. Wright

One is not justified by faith by believing in justification by faith. One is justified by faith by believing in Jesus.

Quote #3 Martin Luther

“There is no justification without sanctification, no forgiveness without renewal of life, no real faith from which the fruits of new obedience do not grow.”

Quote #4 Walter Marshall

"So the words are a declaration of the gospel way of justification by the righteousness of God; and that so dearly and fully, and the benefit spoken of, so great and glorious, being the first benefit that we receive by union with Christ, and the foundation of all other benefits, that my text is accounted to be evangelium evangelii, a principal part of the written gospel"

Quote #5 Richard Baxter

"Faith causeth not justification at all but only is the condition of it but faith causeth the acts of other graces by a proper efficiency."


  1. hint 2.. i couldn't of guessed more than three without help..

    the quote are by Baxter, Luther, NT.Wright, Pope Benedict 16, Walter Marshall..

    anyone guess the order?

  2. Even with the names, it is quite difficult. I think I'd only have a 50/50 chance if there were three choices.

  3. well i think it could be easier than that.. this is how i would think.. at least assuming who i knew who these men are, it would be impossible if you didn't know at least like a wikipedia level of these guys, you certianly wouldn't of had to comb over all there works, they are not tricky quotes in that way..

    the last one uses archaic English, so at least old, could be an old translation of Luther? but i think you could rule that out quick just be know what he's famous for.

    that leaves baxter or walter marshall. 2nd or 3rd generation puritan. the hint for the baxter quote is that he was the first to make famous the notion of 'meer' Christianity..

    he was a deeply holy man, who preached with incredible power, an was a tool for God's evasion to his town, where psalms were song in homes, and the whole society was touched. but he had a very complicated/heterodox understanding of justification. He is kinda like the Wesley in some ways, not the same doctrines but the same tendency to reformulate doctrine in a deep desire for holiness.

    Walter Marshall is famous for his work on sanctification founded out of justification, through vital union with Christ.. there you go..

    NT Wright is gonna say something against justification by faith, but in this quote I used, He puts in the positive, and in all these quotes i was trying to be a little ecumenical, and as far as this statement go, the force of it no one can deny. (of those who believe in justification by faith, or anyone who simply believes Jesus is their great savior.)

    The first quote is the Pope, in his well reported on homily on justification within the past couple months. He also sounds very NT Wright / or does NT Wright sound very Bendedict 16thish? I have personally been able to appreciate more the Christ centeredness of the catholic church today more than i would of see in the past. (spending time reading liturgy, biographies, ect.. )

    Luther's quote is pretty generic evangelical type lingo like saving faith is a faith that works, thing is, many of those one liner's came from his mouth.
