I have no zeal, no strength to love even those closest to me, to move past my addiction to my comforts, nor the courage to speak into the lives around me whom I fear the opinion of. How can I weep any time I hear this sermon as I did this morning at work, and than act as if all is okay with those around me, who are living a Christless existence.
Than I remember Peter, who fell time and time again, and than I remember the Holy Spirit who is willing, and powerful and lives in me as a christian.
Father, I believe, help my unbelief.. I know more now than ever that though my heart is untamed and wild and utterly evil, you have crucified the power and reign of sin in my life, I am only enslaved in my own willful disobedience, forgive this double-minded, unyielding, unrepentant sinner. Help me to not weep for my sin, weep for the lost, and than treat myself with good and evil things that I don't need, that steal my usefulness to others and my joy in you, and than stand closed mouthed, before those who are enslaved to sin, and do not know where their life is heading. Oh God, I will worship you, I will come to you as a son, who can never loose that name, I will come to you, before the throne that is of grace, not of judgment, I will I not stop to seek your way, for you have always been with me, and always treated me better than I deserve. Make me a man of your word, a man of action, a man of love, and a man that dares never to let go of the hand of the only guide, or leave the only one who has the word's of life.
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