Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Him. Matthew 4:19
God has spared my life, given me a family, and every good thing I have. Recently we found out that a year long discussion on the possibility of serving with a particular group in a particular place will not work out. We certainly were excited to have some sense of where the immediate future was moving towards, as I am about to finish college. So this news has been sad for us.
But, I am stirred on by the reality that Jesus has called us first and foremost to follow him. Where he takes us is really secondary. We are called to become like Jesus, make disciples as we move about this world, and seek to glorify God in the opportunities He has given us. We are longing to follow Jesus, and be pleasing to God in west kensington, and in philadelphia.
Kristy and I feel the loud drum beat for overseas missions, we believe we can make the kind of sacrifices required, even enjoy it, we believe He made us to spread his message to the poor and the lost. As we look out at the opportunities there may be, we invite you to pray for us as we seek to follow Jesus, and encourage you to follow Him as well.